St. John's Wort Tincture may be a gentle assist with mild depression, grief, stress, anxiety, inflammation and nerve pain.
Studies have not proven effective for moderate to severe depression. Please contact your health care provider for more appropriate options.
Please speak to your physician or pharmacist if you are taking the following prescription medications before using St. John's Wort:
SSRI or MAO Inhibitors; Oral Contraceptives; Anti-Seizure Medications; Anti-Rejection Medications; Anticoagulants; Medications for HIV, Heart Disease, Heart Health, Cancer Medications.
Do not use if pregnant or nursing; May cause Photosensitivity so limit time and exposure to the sun.
St John's Wort Tincture
These statements are based on holistic documentation and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information shared on our website or through Aromatic Blessings is not a substitute for a consultation with a health care provider and should not be taken as medical advice. Reviews and testimonials on this site are from individuals and do not guarantee or suggest the same results.