"All healing is first a healing of the heart." - Carl Townsend.
Heart Chakra Elixir was designed to strengthen and uplift the emotions and energies of the heart.
Heart Chakra Elixir is made with Rose Petals & Buds infused in alcohol and raw honey. She was then infused with Reiki Energy and the heart healing energy of Chrysocolla Tumbles for 24 hours.
Roses are energetically aligned to our Heart and Lungs. Rose encourages us to open up and share our heart to its fullest, blossomed beauty while maintaining boundaries as needed. It motiviates us to allows past grievances to be released. Rose also helps during times of grief, not by taking away grief but by honoring it as a part of ourselves, tending to it, and offering it some softness.
Heart Chakra Elixir is a loving, gentle assist during your Reiki Session or when you are doing individual work to release and unblock your Heart Chakra.
Heart Chakra Elixir
These statements are based on holistic documentation and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information shared on our website or through Aromatic Blessings is not a substitute for a consultation with a health care provider and should not be taken as medical advice. Reviews and testimonials on this site are from individuals and do not guarantee or suggest the same results.