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Break It Up! - Strong Herbaceous Tea to Help Break Up Congestion

Break It Up is a tea forumlated to help with sinus and chest congestion.  Use a tsp of Break It Up tea blend and drink as needed (up to 3 cups a day).


Made with elecampane, thyme, lavender buds and rose bud petals.  Despite it's strong floral components, it has an intense thyme flavor followed by a bitterness from the elecampane.  This is a good tea to add honey to.


As always, please speak to your doctor or pharmacist before use if you are pregnant or nursing.  Also if you take medications for diabetes, high blood pressure or are currently taking anticoagulation medications as some of the herbs could interfere with their effectiveness.

Break It Up! - Strong Herbaceous Tea to Help Break Up Congestion

  • These statements are based on holistic documentation and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information shared on our website or through Aromatic Blessings is not a substitute for a consultation with a health care provider and should not be taken as medical advice.  Reviews and testimonials on this site are from individuals and do not guarantee or suggest the same results.

  • Elecampane, thyme, lavender buds, rose petals, and chamomile.

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